Mini Ebook Goldmine

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Discover How You – Or Anyone – Can Quickly Solve Three (3) Of Your Primary Goals In Internet Marketing Through The Magic Of Giving Away FREE Reports!

Some techniques you will learn about in this manual require absolutely no writing on your part, which is good news especially if you loathe the idea of writing or simply don’t have a flair for it.

Some other techniques require less to no money on your part, but demand more time and effort. The rest of the methods demand less time and effort from you but require slightly higher monetary investments.

Thus, whichever one method suits you; you are guaranteed to find it in this manual.

So, Here’s What You Will Discover:

  • How to use an 8-20 page mini report to be your vehicle to maximum exposure, maximum leads, and maximum profits – even though you’re going to give away for FREE!
  • How to maximize your affiliate commissions with the same mini literature, allowing you to smack other average affiliates down to ground zero!
  • How to position your report to be unique and bribing visitors into joining your mailing list!
  • All of what you need to get started on chalking out your own Mini E-Book – no guesswork involved! (Hint: they are mostly free and low-cost resources!)
  • How to dispense your expertise and credibility into your free report easily – making people offering you the first utmost best impression!
  • How to uncover and tap into red hot niches – this is especially a “must know” if you haven’t decided what niche to be in. As the saying goes, “half of the battle is won simply by choosing where to fight”!
  • The best way to format your Mini E-Book for professional impression and easy reading your reader’s part!
  • How to create your own super pre-seller Mini E-Book in less than 24 hours!
  • How to get your friends or experts to create the content for you willingly!
  • Tap into the ghostly resource of automatic writing as used by TOP Internet Marketers you and I know of today!
  • The single most powerful strategy of compiling reprint rights articles yet still maintains the credibly expert status!
  • How to use the two “P” resources in building your FREE report in less than a couple of hours!
  • How to ride the modern wave of the future and go high-tech with your Mini E-Books, leaving other Report writers deeming themselves “old school”!
  • How to strategically position your Mini E-Book to be the ultimate lead collector for your mailing list while you spend your free time anyhow you like!
  • Secret: What makes people pass your report around willingly without you having to beg them to do so, in effect creating a viral result for you!
  • A comprehensive list of E-Book directories you can submit your free report to for maximum exposure!
  • How to use FREE and low-cost advertising methods in getting the word out about your free report and get your returns more than you imagine – may it be leads, credibility and sales!
  • The common Mini E-Book mistakes you should avoid doing – it’s for other novice marketers to reinvent! But not for you!
  • And much, much more! This is barely scratching the surface.

You’re going to get all of the following within this package:

Sales Letter
