Improve Your Conversions

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Increase Your Sales Copy’s Conversion Rate By Making Minimum Changes That Deliver Maximum Impact!

The use of sales letters had been around for as long as direct response marketing have been practiced in the conventional “brick and mortar” world.

And ever since the Berlin wall came down and the World Wide Web came up, it did not take long for people from business backgrounds to tap into the growing world of ECommerce.

It’s like an electronic salesperson on your behalf, and it certainly beats having you to prospect and sell to someone else face-to-face or gamble on sending out hard copy mails (that can span 5-20 pages long when printed) and face the chance of not covering your investment on printing back.

A sales letter is considered to produce a good decent conversion rate at 2 to 4 percent. You are doing better if your sales letter produces above 4 percent. Some marketers reportedly produce 6% and some as high as 20-30% to cold prospects!

If used correctly, words can sell literally. If used improperly, not only would your sales letter suffer in conversion rate; it might just deliver the wrong message and the worse case scenario can be that of offending your prospects (besides not closing the sale).

Grab this ebook, today, to discover tips you can use to MAXIMIZE your conversion rates by making MINIMUM changes and additions to your current sales copies!
