Facebook Ads

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It’s About Time For You To Learn Facebook Advertising The Right Way! 

The main way you can make people become aware of your company’s brand, and eventually consume the products or services your company offers, is through advertising.

This book gives you a step by step walk-through of the different ad opportunities currently available on the Facebook ad platform.

Here’s Just A Quick Preview Of What You’ll Discover Inside:

  • Why Choose Facebook Ads?
  • The Basics You Need to Know Before Creating Your First Facebook Ad Campaign
  • How Does Facebook’s Ad System Operate?
  • How to Get Started on Your Facebook Ad Marketing Campaign
  • Create Your Facebook Page and Account
  • Use the Facebook Ads Manager
  • Create A Facebook Advertising Campaign
  • Create Your Ad
  • Monitor Your Campaign Carefully
  • Effective Facebook Advertising Tips and Ideas
  • Plus, a whole lot more…